Musselfeed launch “Hen”
Musselfeed launched a new label for organic eggs with mussel protein – Hen! A premium egg that is good for you, good for the sea and good for the chickens.
The hens that have laid these eggs have received mussel protein as a supplement in their feed. Mussels can replace fishmeal and other protein raw materials that are not considered sustainably produced. Mussels also function as health care for the sea by taking care of part of the surplus industry that can otherwise contribute to eutrophication. By using mussels in feed (or food) the nutrients are brought back to land and a cycle is created.
The label Hen makes it easier for the producer to show that this is a premium egg. And also for the consumer.
Read more about Hen and were you can find the eggs: www.hen-egg.se !
Hen is as a result of the project “Miljösmarta premium products”, which between 2017-2020 received support from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Here, the challenge of organic laying hens with mussel flour and the sale of mussel eggs was tested on a larger scale – with very good results. In the project, Musselfeed (which produces mussel flour), organic egg producers, the Association for Organic Poultry Production, representatives of feed companies, advisers and the market player Organic Sweden collaborated.
For more information contact us at Musselfeed.